More than a hand full

by Paul on

In other news, and while we are very busy making more exciting content for the game, let me take a minute to highlight that since a few days ago, we now are a complete team.

By that I mean that we were officially joined by three awesome guys who will be responsible for creating all the music and sound effects of our game. Some work has already been done in secret, and we are very excited about showing our first non silent version of the game soon. If you want to see who I am talking about exactly, take a look at the updated team page.

Additionally, we will be doing a major redesign of the games looks. Adding more and improving the existent sprites, and writing fancy shaders for awesome effects are the most obvious things on the list, but there is much more to come.

So, stay tuned for more, and if you haven't tried it yet, don't miss out the latest alpha version we released a few days ago!

397 commits, 4699 lines of code, 85 potatoes hunted down, and 135 awesome